Plots.jl examples
These examples were slightly modified from some of the GR examples in the Plots.jl documentation and can be used as both a tutorial or as a series of test for the UnitfulRecipes package (they are essentially the same except we have added some units to the data).
First we need to tell Julia we are using Plots, Unitful, and UnitfulRecipes
using Plots, Unitful, UnitfulRecipes
plot(Plots.fakedata(50, 5) * u"m", w=3)
Parametric plots
plot(t -> sin(t)*u"s", t -> sin(2t)*u"m", 0, 2π, line=4, leg=false, fill=(0, :orange))
y = rand(100)*u"km"
plot((0:10:100)*u"hr", rand(11, 4)*u"km", lab="lines", w=3, palette=:grays, fill=0, α=0.6)
scatter!(y, zcolor=abs.(y .- 0.5u"km"), m=(:heat, 0.8, Plots.stroke(1, :green)), ms=10 * abs.(y .- 0.5u"km") .+ 4u"km", lab="grad")
Note that a few changes had to be made for this to work.
using Statistics
y = rand(20, 3)*u"W"
x = (1:size(y,1))*u"Hz"
plot(x, y, xlabel="XLABEL", xlims=(-5, 30), xflip=true, xticks=0:2:20, background_color=RGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), leg=false)
hline!(mean(y, dims=1) + rand(1, 3)*u"W", line=(4, :dash, 0.6, [:lightgreen :green :darkgreen]))
vline!([5, 10]*u"Hz")
yaxis!("YLABEL", :log10)
ys = Vector[rand(10), rand(20)] .* u"km"
plot(ys, color=[:black :orange], line=(:dot, 4), marker=([:hex :d], 12, 0.8, Plots.stroke(3, :gray)))
Build plot in pieces
plot(rand(100) / 3 * u"km", reg=true, fill=(0, :green))
scatter!(rand(100) * u"km", markersize=6, c=:orange)
histogram2d(randn(10000) * u"cm", randn(10000) * u"cm", nbins=20)
Line types
linetypes = [:path :steppre :steppost :sticks :scatter]
n = length(linetypes)
x = Vector[sort(rand(20)) for i = 1:n] * u"km"
y = rand(20, n) * u"ms"
plot(x, y, line=(linetypes, 3), lab=map(string, linetypes), ms=15)
Line styles
styles = intersect([:solid, :dash, :dot, :dashdot, :dashdotdot], Plots.supported_styles())
styles = reshape(styles, 1, length(styles))
n = length(styles)
y = cumsum(randn(20, n), dims=1) * u"km"
plot(y, line=(5, styles), label=map(string, styles), legendtitle="linestyle")
Marker types
markers = intersect(Plots._shape_keys, Plots.supported_markers())
markers = reshape(markers, 1, length(markers))
n = length(markers)
x = (range(0, stop=10, length=n + 2))[2:end - 1] * u"km"
y = repeat(reshape(reverse(x), 1, :), n, 1)
scatter(x, y, m=(8, :auto), lab=map(string, markers), bg=:linen, xlim=(0, 10), ylim=(0, 10))
bar(randn(99) * u"km")
histogram(randn(1000) * u"km", bins=:scott, weights=repeat(1:5, outer=200))
l = @layout([a{0.1h};b [c;d e]])
plot(randn(100, 5) * u"km", layout=l, t=[:line :histogram :scatter :steppre :bar], leg=false, ticks=nothing, border=:none)
Adding to subplots
plot(Plots.fakedata(100, 10) * u"km", layout=4, palette=[:grays :blues :heat :lightrainbow], bg_inside=[:orange :pink :darkblue :black])
Contour plots
x = (1:0.05:10) * u"m"
y = (1:0.01:2) * u"s"
f(x,y) = x^2 / y
z = f.(x',y)
p1 = contour(x, y, f, fill=true)
p2 = contour(x, y, z)
p3 = contourf(x, y, z)
plot(p1, p2, p3)
n = 100
ts = range(0, stop=8π, length=n) * u"rad"
x = @. ts * cos(ts)
y = @. 0.1ts * sin(ts)
z = ts
plot(x, y, z, zcolor=reverse(z), m=(10, 0.8, :blues, Plots.stroke(0)), leg=false, cbar=true, w=5, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", zlabel="z")
plot!(zeros(n), zeros(n), z, w=5)
Groups and Subplots
group = rand(map((i->"group $(i)"), 1:4), 100)
plot(rand(100)*u"km", layout=@layout([a b;c]), group=group, linetype=[:bar :scatter :steppre], linecolor=:match)
Heatmap, categorical axes, and aspect_ratio
xs = [string("x", i) for i = 1:10]
ys = [string("y", i) for i = 1:4]
z = float((1:4) * reshape(1:10, 1, :)) * u"km"
heatmap(xs, ys, z, aspect_ratio=1)
Magic grid argument
x = rand(10) * u"km"
p1 = plot(x, title="Default looks")
p2 = plot(x, grid=(:y, :olivedrab, :dot, 1, 0.9), title="Modified y grid")
p3 = plot(deepcopy(p2), title="Add x grid")
xgrid!(p3, :on, :cadetblue, 2, :dashdot, 0.4)
plot(p1, p2, p3, layout=(1, 3), label="", fillrange=0, fillalpha=0.3)
Suggestion: we might want to not add the unit label when the axis is not shown?
scatter(fill(randn(10), 6) * u"m", fill(randn(10), 6) * u"s", framestyle=[:box :semi :origin :zerolines :grid :none], title=[":box" ":semi" ":origin" ":zerolines" ":grid" ":none"], color=permutedims(1:6), layout=6, label="", markerstrokewidth=0, ticks=-2:2)
Lines and markers with varying colors
note that marker_z as a function did not work so it is modified here
t = range(0, stop=1, length=100) * u"s"
θ = 6π * u"rad/s" * t
x = @. t * cos(θ)
y = @. t * sin(θ)
z = x + y
p1 = plot(x, y, line_z=t, linewidth=3, legend=false)
p2 = scatter(x, y, marker_z=z, color=:bluesreds, legend=false)
plot(p1, p2)
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