Simple Examples
These examples show what UnitfulRecipes is all about.
First we need to tell Julia we are using Plots, Unitful, and UnitfulRecipes
using Plots, Unitful, UnitfulRecipes
Simplest plot
This is the most basic example
y = randn(10)*u"kg"
Add some more plots, and it will be aware of the units you used previously (note y2
is about 10 times smaller than y1
y2 = 100randn(10)*u"g"
UnitfulRecipes will not allow you to plot with different unit-dimensions, so
won't work here.
But you can add inset subplots with different axes that have different dimensions
plot!(rand(10)*u"m", inset=bbox(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3), subplot=2)
Axis label
If you specify an axis label, the unit will be appended to it.
plot(y, ylabel="mass")
Unless you want it untouched, in which case you can use a "protected" string using the @P_str
plot(y, ylabel=P"mass in kilograms")
Just like with the label
keyword for legends, no axis label is added if you specify the axis label to be an empty string.
plot(y, ylabel="")
Unit formatting
If you prefer some other formatting over the round parentheses, you can supply a keyword unitformat
, which can be a number of different things:
can be a boolean or nothing
plot([plot(y, ylab="mass", title=repr(s), unitformat=s) for s in (nothing, true, false)]...)
can be one of a number of predefined symbols, defined in
URsymbols = keys(UnitfulRecipes.UNIT_FORMATS)
KeySet for a Dict{Symbol, Any} with 10 entries. Keys:
which correspond to these unit formats:
plot([plot(y, ylab="mass", title=repr(s), unitformat=s) for s in URsymbols]...)
can also be a Char
, a String
, or a Tuple
(of Char
s or String
s), which will be inserted around the label and unit depending on the length of the tuple:
URtuples = [", in ", (", in (", ")"), ("[", "] = (", ")"), ':', ('$', '$'), (':', ':', ':')]
plot([plot(y, ylab="mass", title=repr(s), unitformat=s) for s in URtuples]...)
For extreme customizability, you can also supply a function that turns two arguments (label, unit) into a string:
formatter(l, u) = string("\$\\frac{\\textrm{", l, "}}{\\mathrm{", u, "}}\$")
plot(y, ylab="mass", unitformat=formatter)
Axis unit
You can use the axis-specific keyword arguments to convert units on the fly
plot(y, yunit=u"g")
Axis limits and ticks
Setting the axis limits and ticks can be done with units
x = (1:length(y)) * u"μs"
plot(x, y, ylims=(-1000u"g",2000u"g"), xticks = x[[1,end]])
or without
plot(x, y, ylims=(-1,2), xticks=1:3:length(x))
Multiple series
You can plot multiple series as 2D arrays
x, y = rand(10,3)*u"m", rand(10,3)*u"g"
plot(x, y)
Or vectors of vectors (of potentially different lengths)
x, y = [rand(10), rand(15), rand(20)]*u"m", [rand(10), rand(15), rand(20)]*u"g"
plot(x, y)
It works in 3D
x, y = rand(10)*u"km", rand(10)*u"hr"
z = x ./ y
plot(x, y, z)
For which colorbar limits (clims
) can have units
heatmap((1:5)u"μs", 1:4, rand(5,4)u"m", clims=(0u"m", 2u"m"))
Scatter plots
You can do scatter plots
scatter(x, y, zcolor=z, clims=(5,20).*unit(eltype(z)))
and 3D scatter plots too
scatter(x, y, z, zcolor=z)
Contour plots
for contours plots
x, y = (1:0.01:2)*u"m", (1:0.02:2)*u"s"
z = x' ./ y
contour(x, y, z)
and filled contours, again with optional clims
contourf(x, y, z, clims=(0u"m/s", 3u"m/s"))
Error bars
For example, you can use the yerror
keyword argument with units, which will be converted to the units of y
and plot your errorbars:
using Unitful: GeV, MeV, c
x = (1.0:0.1:10) * GeV/c
y = @. (2 + sin(x / (GeV/c))) * 0.4GeV/c^2 # a sine to make it pretty
yerror = 10.9MeV/c^2 * exp.(randn(length(x))) # some noise for pretty again
plot(x, y; yerror, title="My unitful data with yerror bars", lab="")
In order to plot a unitful function on a unitful axis, supply as a second argument a vector of unitful sample points, or the unit for the independent axis:
model(x) = 1u"V"*exp(-((x-0.5u"s")/0.7u"s")^2)
t = randn(10)u"s" # Sample points
U = model.(t) + randn(10)u"dV" .|> u"V" # Noisy acquicisions
plot(t, U; xlabel="t", ylabel="U", st=:scatter, label="Samples")
plot!(model, t; st=:scatter, label="Noise removed")
plot!(model, u"s"; label="True function")
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